Draft Scenic Rim Region Biosecurity Plan 2023-2028
Refer to Scenic Rim Biosecurity Plan 2023-2028 at: scenic-rim-region-biosecurity-plan
The Results:
The Scenic Rim Regional Council is committed to meeting its General Biosecurity Obligations under the Biosecurity Act 2014 and assisting community to meet theirs.
The Scenic Rim Region Biosecurity Plan adopted by Council on 24 July 2024, details Council's and community's obligations under the Biosecurity Act 2014 and how Council will respond to biosecurity challenges throughout the region.
Invasive plants and animals are recognised as a significant threat to Australia’s biodiversity, agricultural production, and public health. These species can have significant negative impacts on the local environment, economy (particularly tourism and agriculture) and community through impacts to human health and social amenity.
The Scenic Rim Region Biosecurity Plan provides guidance about how to reduce biosecurity risks associated with invasive plants and animals and their impacts on the community, economy and environment.
It has been developed in consultation with key stakeholders and industry bodies who share a commitment and passion to protect the Scenic Rim’s natural environment and sustain primary production.
Community were also invited to participate in a survey, between 28 July and 25 August 2023. Via an online or hardcopy survey, over 100 respondents were able to:
Become aware of the strategic priorities that guide and support the objectives and actions and then,
Identify their top three (3) priorities for implementation for each of the strategic priorities, and
Provide feedback on the list of invasive species as priorities to manage in the region and their respective management categories.
Thank you to everyone who, through their feedback, has helped protect the environment, rural lands and rural enterprises from biosecurity threats in the Scenic Rim region.
Project Overview:
The Draft Scenic Rim Region Biosecurity Plan 2023-2028 has been prepared to meet Council's obligations under the Act and details how biosecurity challenges will be responded to throughout the region.
What is the Draft Scenic Rim Region Biosecurity Plan 2023-2028?
The Draft Scenic Rim Region Biosecurity Plan 2023-2028 provides guidance on how to reduce biosecurity risks associated with invasive plants and animals and their impacts on the community, economy and environment.
Why is it important?
Invasive plants and animals are recognised as a significant threat to Australia’s biodiversity, agricultural production, and public health. These species can have significant negative impacts on the local environment, economy (particularly tourism and agriculture) and community through impacts to human health and social amenity.
Please refer to the 'key documents' section to read the Draft Scenic Rim Region Biosecurity Plan 2023-2028 in full and the simplified fact sheet.
The Draft Scenic Rim Region Biosecurity Plan 2023-2028 has been developed in consultation with key stakeholders and industry bodies who share a commitment and passion to protect the Scenic Rim’s natural environment and sustain primary production. The plan aims to provide a holistic approach to biosecurity threats by invasive species through improved coordination, participation, awareness and enforcement.
Council is seeking community input on the Draft Scenic Rim Region Biosecurity Plan 2023-2028 which provides an opportunity for the community to let Council know what is important to them and how Council can support the community in implementing the biosecurity plan over the next five (5) years.
The survey will provide Council with a better understanding of how aware the community are of their General Biosecurity Obligation (GBO) as well as focusing on:
- Raising awareness of the strategic priorities that guide and support the objectives and actions,
- Identifying your top three (3) priorities for implementation for each of the strategic priorities, and
- Seeking your feedback on the list of invasive species as priorities to manage in the region and their respective management categories.
Survey submissions were accepted by Council between 28 July and 12 September 2023.
CLOSED: This survey has now closed. Thank you for your interest in participating.
You can complete the survey online (in the below section), alternatively you can download the hardcopy survey form from the 'key documents' section of this page and send to Council via email, post or in person.
Please email the completed form to mail@scenicrim.qld.gov.au or post your form to PO Box 25, Beaudesert QLD 4285 or drop it off at one of Council's Administration or Customer Contact Centres. Please mark your submission to attention 'Regulatory Services Team'.
Various face-to-face community consultation opportunities are planned throughout the region during the consultation period. Further details will be provided soon, please 'subscribe' to this page to be notified when more information is available.
Once all feedback has been considered, the Draft Scenic Rim Region Biosecurity Plan 2023-2028 will be presented to Council for adoption later this year.
We encourage individuals, local community groups and organisations to share this information with their networks. If you would like to receive updates and outcomes of this survey, please 'subscribe' to the project page on Let's Talk Scenic Rim to receive notifications and updates.
By participating in this survey you are assisting current and future residents to ensure that the region remains a great place to live!