Growth Management Strategy

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Project Lead has approved archiving.  Consultation completed. 

Family picnic sitting with their backs to the camera, looking at open grassland and mountains in the distance

Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041 adopted

The award-winning Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041 provides the framework for the region’s sustainable growth to 2041 and has been adopted by Council.

The Growth Management Strategy 2041 (GMS) was adopted by Council on 22 November 2022 and aims to protect the region's outstanding environmental features and strong agricultural base, while ensuring the projected population growth of the Scenic Rim is thoughtfully planned in a way that respects the unique characteristics of our towns and villages.

The GMS provides for greater housing diversity across a range of locations. It also identifies additional land zoned for residential development to meet dwelling supply benchmarks as well as the changing needs and lifestyles of the Scenic Rim community.

The Consultation Report which provided a summary of all stakeholder and community engagement was endorsed by Council on 25 October 2022.

The GMS and supporting documents can be viewed on Council's website Growth Management Strategy - Scenic Rim Regional Council or on this site within the key documents section.

Council appreciates the community's participation in the consultation process, which was invaluable in the development of the GMS.

The Strategic Planning Team is available to discuss any aspect of the GMS, and can be contacted on (07) 5540 5111, or email

Growth Management Strategy Next Steps

The GMS has been developed to address the region’s growth needs to 2041, and aligns with the timeframes of the current ShapingSEQ.

Within the context of the constantly evolving Queensland planning framework and changing demographic and development trends, the GMS will require ongoing review.

It will be reviewed periodically, to ensure that the growth policies developed remain relevant and appropriate to respond to community needs.

As new information becomes available, the strategies and implementation of the GMS will require ongoing re-evaluation by the Strategic Planning team to ensure that growth occurs in a way that reflects the current and future needs of the region's population.

How do I provide feedback in the future?

Future amendments to the Scenic Rim Planning Scheme 2020 will be prepared in accordance with the Planning Act 2016 and made available for public consultation on Let's Talk Scenic Rim.

To participate, register on Let's Talk Scenic Rim Community Panel to be notified when amendments are available for feedback.

Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041 adopted

The award-winning Scenic Rim Growth Management Strategy 2041 provides the framework for the region’s sustainable growth to 2041 and has been adopted by Council.

The Growth Management Strategy 2041 (GMS) was adopted by Council on 22 November 2022 and aims to protect the region's outstanding environmental features and strong agricultural base, while ensuring the projected population growth of the Scenic Rim is thoughtfully planned in a way that respects the unique characteristics of our towns and villages.

The GMS provides for greater housing diversity across a range of locations. It also identifies additional land zoned for residential development to meet dwelling supply benchmarks as well as the changing needs and lifestyles of the Scenic Rim community.

The Consultation Report which provided a summary of all stakeholder and community engagement was endorsed by Council on 25 October 2022.

The GMS and supporting documents can be viewed on Council's website Growth Management Strategy - Scenic Rim Regional Council or on this site within the key documents section.

Council appreciates the community's participation in the consultation process, which was invaluable in the development of the GMS.

The Strategic Planning Team is available to discuss any aspect of the GMS, and can be contacted on (07) 5540 5111, or email

Growth Management Strategy Next Steps

The GMS has been developed to address the region’s growth needs to 2041, and aligns with the timeframes of the current ShapingSEQ.

Within the context of the constantly evolving Queensland planning framework and changing demographic and development trends, the GMS will require ongoing review.

It will be reviewed periodically, to ensure that the growth policies developed remain relevant and appropriate to respond to community needs.

As new information becomes available, the strategies and implementation of the GMS will require ongoing re-evaluation by the Strategic Planning team to ensure that growth occurs in a way that reflects the current and future needs of the region's population.

How do I provide feedback in the future?

Future amendments to the Scenic Rim Planning Scheme 2020 will be prepared in accordance with the Planning Act 2016 and made available for public consultation on Let's Talk Scenic Rim.

To participate, register on Let's Talk Scenic Rim Community Panel to be notified when amendments are available for feedback.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Do you have a particular connection or interest in any of our proposed strategies for study areas? If you would like to comment on specific study area/s rather than all twelve, please make your selection in the first question. You will have an opportunity to write more generally in the final question.

    If you would like to provide your feedback in a form or letter, please go to the alternative Other ways to provide your feedback and select a feedback form option below. 

    Project Lead has approved archiving.  Consultation completed. 

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    If you would prefer to write to us, or email your feedback regarding the region-wide Draft Growth Management Strategy document, follow the prompts below to select how you would like to respond.

    You can respond by downloading the feedback form and returning via the following options:

    • Upload your completed form onto Let's Talk
    • Via email 
    • Lodge in person at a Customer Service Centre
    • Via post 

    Project Lead has approved archiving.  Consultation completed. 

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