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Draft Scenic Rim Flying-Fox Management Strategy Survey

CLOSED: Contributions to this consultation are now closed for evaluation and review

Council recognises that Scenic Rim boasts a unique natural environment and is committed to proactively working to preserve and enhance it in partnership with the community.   

In response to community feedback, Council has developed a 'revised' Scenic Rim Flying-Fox Management Strategy, supported by the recently adopted Beaudesert and Canungra Roost Management Plans for an interim period.  

Scenic Rim Regional Council has developed a Draft Scenic Rim Flying-Fox Management Strategy 2023-2028 as a framework to support communities living with flying-foxes while ensuring the conservation of the species and the important services they provide.  

Community consultation allows the wider community an opportunity to review the draft strategy and provide feedback on how they would prioritise the actions Council has proposed to approach the management strategies.

The Strategy introduces a contemporary management approach that seeks to reduce the level of human-animal conflict while managing and improving conservation outcomes for flying-foxes. 

The purpose of this strategy is to provide direction in the delivery of Councils Statement of Management Intent (refer to section 4) for the management of flying-foxes within the Scenic Rim and articulate the approach that Scenic Rim Regional Council will take towards the management of flying-fox roosts in Scenic Rim region.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

When you commence the survey, there will be questions about yourself (will not identify you).  This lets Council capture important demographic data from the Scenic Rim region.

The questions in the survey focus on:

  • Determining your level of awareness of Council's 'as-of-right' responsibility for the management of flying-foxes and the level of intervention approach in the Scenic Rim region, 
  • Feedback on how Council has categorised the level of conflict of a flying-fox roost, and Council's Roost Response Framework to determine the course of management actions when responding to new congregations and roost changes and,
  • Providing your overall feedback on the adopted Roost Management Plans for Beaudesert Lions Bicentennial Park and Canungra Creek Lions Park Flying-Fox Roosts to minimise impacts experienced by the community to achieve coexistence with flying-foxes.

In conjunction with the Draft Scenic Rim Flying-Fox Management Strategy 2023-2028 consultation, the Beaudesert and Canungra Roost Management Plans are open for community feedback.

The Roost Management Plans have been designed to address the specific challenges faced at each roost site through short and long-term actions to support landowners and minimise negative interaction between humans and flying-foxes while raising awareness of the species importance and encouraging their conservation.

Survey submissions will be accepted by Council between 16 August to 12 September 2023.

To access a copy of the full list of documents, visit the 'key documents' section on the project page.  Alternatively, you can visit one of Council's Administration or Customer Contact Centres and ask to view the document. 

Please email the completed feedback form to, post your form to PO Box 25, Beaudesert QLD 4285 or drop it off at one of Council's Administration or Customer Contact Centres.   Please mark your submission to attention 'Biodiversity Team'.

Once all feedback has been considered, the Draft Scenic Rim Flying-Fox Management Strategy 2023-2028 will be presented to Council for adoption later this year.  

We appreciate you taking the time to provide your feedback on the Draft Scenic Rim Flying-Fox Management Strategy 2023-2028.  By participating, you are helping to strengthen Council's Management Intent in updating actions and developing a stronger position for response on public and private lands.  

Take the survey now!

The Long-Term Roost Management Plan Development Project was developed with the support of the Queensland Government in association with Scenic Rim Regional Council.