Community Hall Roadshows Survey
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. Thank you for your valuable insights into the Community Hall Roadshows!
Council recognises the need to ensure that our Community Halls are well supported, so that they can continue to be active and vibrant spaces in our communities.
To achieve this Council is hosting a series of Roadshows to better understand the vast range of Community Halls operating in our region, learn more about what activities the community would like to see offered at each venue and understand when the community would prefer these activities to be held.
We would like to invite you to complete this survey either online or in person at one of the eight Roadshows planned at a Community Hall near you. Click here to find out more details on the events planned.
The information you provide will be treated as confidential and will be used to improve Council's services and Community Hall use.
Survey submissions will be accepted by Council between 17 May and 31July 2024.
Once all feedback has been considered, this information will inform Council and Community Hall Committee representatives which activities our community would benefit from and preferences for activities and programs in your local halls.
It is expected that the survey will take about 5 minutes to complete, and focuses on the following:
- A few things about yourself (which will not identify you). This lets Council and the Community Hall Committees know who would benefit from the range of activities listed in the survey, and
- Your preferences for activities and programs in your local hall. This will help Council and the Community Hall Committees understand where to plan for and provide activities.
We encourage individuals, local community groups and organisations to share this information with their existing networks. If you would like to receive updates and outcomes of this survey, please 'subscribe' to the project page on Let's Talk Scenic Rim to receive notifications and updates.
Thank you for your participation to support local initiatives and contributing to the overall development of your community.