Frequently Asked Questions
- inclusion of a representative and diverse range of respondents wherever possible
- consultations including relevant material to adequately inform the community
- a variety of opportunities to contribute, allowing for individual interest, capability, expertise and/or time constraints
- evaluation and analysis of the process, as well as results.
- It is a quick, safe and convenient way to have your say on a range of issues and topics and for you to help guide Scenic Rim Regional Council in making important decisions
- It is a great way to keep up-to-date and contribute your views on issues affecting your community
- You can see what other community members think about an issue or topic, respond to their comments and develop ideas together
- You don't have to attend community meetings at a set place and time,in fact by participating online you can contribute at a time and place that suits you
- Online discussion forums allow for a range of different people, with different views, to express their views and ideas and to discuss and work together on matters that impact on their community.
What do we mean by 'community'?
Communities of place: Where people identify with a defined geographical area, e.g. a council division, a housing development or a neighbourhood.
Communities of interest: Where people share a particular experience, interest or characteristic such as young people, faith groups, older people, people with disability, migrant groups, community or sporting groups.
What is community engagement?
Community engagement is a process where the community can contribute to, or change the outcome of a Council project or program of work through a variety of conversations and/or consultations.. This can include anything from naming a park through to deciding what is prioritised in the Corporate Plan.
How do I get involved?
Let's Talk Scenic Rim offers a variety of opportunities to respond with comments, ideas, or submissions. Anyone can read any of the project information provided at any time. To participate in the conversations, you must register with the community panel.
How do I participate?
Different projects will have different ways of asking for your feedback. We want a diverse range of ideas and expertise to contribute to different areas of Council. To participate, register on Let's Talk Scenic Rim Community Panel and you are right to go. Registration helps us see who is represented in the conversation without divulging personal details.
Why do I need to register?
Council wants to hear from everyone across our community. Registration helps us see who is contributing and identifies who might be missing from the conversation. As we analyse results, Council can redesign it's approach to reaching out to community to ensure responses represent our community as a whole.
The brief details we collect from registering participants keep us on track to representing the community expectations as closely as possible. At no times are your personal details published or shared without your express permission.
For details on our privacy commitment, please read our Privacy Statement.
By registering for Let's Talk Scenic Rim, you will also have the opportunity to contribute and participate through our monthly e-newsletter which keeps you up-to-date with current consultations, events and forums, as well as hearing about final outcomes and decisions.
How is community engagement valued by Council?
To enable informed decision-making by our elected representatives and Council employees, Council needs to consider a cross-section of information provided by community feedback. Based on best practice, Council's commitment to listening to the community includes:
This commitment results in decision-makers having confidence that they have a representative view of community values and aspirations at the heart of each project outcome.
What are the advantages of using an online platform like Let's Talk Scenic Rim?
The online platform only adds to face-to-face opportunities. Let's Talk Scenic Rim will become a hub for Council projects and programs of work, so community can follow and check-in on any projects, at any time.